Monday, February 15, 2010

Another Unforgotten Silly Trip (13-14 february 2010)

whaa...what a silly trip..??!!
liburan tanpa rencana..actually, awalnya kita ga ada rencana sama sekali buat liburan bulan ini. Tapi karena udah terlalu "butek+sumpek" setelah 4,5 taun kuliah n eneg dengan kegiatan akhir-akhir ini, finally tercetuslah perkataan.. "MINGGU DEPAN BACKPACKERAN KE MALANG YOOKK???!!"
sumpah, pas denger langsung aja semua pada bilang..."AYOOOKKK!!!"..
udah, walopun cewe semua n kaga tauk jalan n angkot d sono kita bonek ajaa..dan semua pada bilang "OKEEE...SETUJUUU!!"
ya aulloohh..dasar cewe..kaga mikir kalo mu backpackeran kudu siap2 kaya gmn..yg ada di otak cuman jalan-jalan+seneng-seneng..hahahah..
WOW!! dalam hatiku..this is my first time..hahahah...I LIKE IT!!

Cukup bayar 4500 rupiah saja udah bisa gaya..walopun rada panas, keringetan, bau rokok, tapiiii yg penting masi ISIS....hahahahah...

horray!! nyampe di stasiun malang kota!!AREMA we're coming!! >:D

Umpel-umpelan di mobil carteran..hahahah..

TiKet Terusan yang Gratisaannn!!!tengkiuuu Mr.Owner Jatim Park..heheh..

Bonek VS Arema!!Booohhooo..

TE..SATeee for Warung Sate Songgoriti, Batu

Early morning at Songgoriti, Batu (posing before looking for brakfast..SUSU angeett!!)

MBEMooooo!!!heheh.. (2500 rupiah is enough!)

Alun-Alun Batu for Lunch :)

OKay!! walking..and walking agaiinn..fiwwhh..

2 kilometres walking by foot!!
ya aulooohh...of course, we're totally JEMPREEE!!

lagi mu nyari mesjid buat leyeh2 bentar before go home surabaya..yeay!!

*and i'm waiting for the next unforgotten trip like this (again), hahahaha...*

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

wednesday quote

"No One Can Go Back And Make A Brand New Start But Anyone Can Start From Here And Make A Brand New End"